Anonymous Asked in Cars &Transportation · 2 weeks ago

What is top command output?

12 мая 2020 г. · The Linux top command is one of the stalwarts of Unix-like operating systems. Its utilitarian display is packed with useful information about . Processes: alias · screen · top · nice · renice · progress · strace · systemd · tmux · chsh · history · at · batch · free · which · dmesg · c.Networking: netstat · ping · traceroute · ip · ss · whois · fail2ban · bmon · dig · finger · nmap · ftp · curl · wget · who · whoami · w · ipt.Files: tar · pv · cat · tac · chmod · grep · diff · sed · ar · man · pushd · popd · fsck · testdisk · seq · fd · pandoc · cd · $PATH · awk · join · .

What is the output of top command?

The output displays the summary area (the dashboard with resource usage stats) and the task area (a list of all processes). top updates the information every three seconds by default. If the process list is long, scroll through it using the Up and Down arrows and Page Up and Page Down keys. To quit top , press q.

What does top command tell you?

The top command (table of processes) displays the processor activity of your Linux box and also displays tasks managed by the kernel in real-time. It also shows information about CPU and memory utilization of a list of running processes.

What is command output?

Use the OUTPUT command to: Direct the output from a job to your terminal. The output includes the job's job control language statements (JCL), system messages (MSGCLASS), and system output (SYSOUT) data sets. Direct the output from a job to a specific data set.

What is the difference between PS and top with command output?

ps enables you to see all your processes, or just the processes used by certain users, for example root or yourself. top should be used to see which processes are most active, ps could be used to see which processes you (or any other user) are running currently.

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